Keep In Touch

Monday, March 28, 2011


i will gladly trade sitting at a desk...

...for sitting on the floor.

i will gladly trade my paycheck....

....for wet, sloppy kisses.

i will gladly trade night school...

...for teaching my kids during the day.

i will gladly trade my social schedule...

...for one ruled by play dates.

i will gladly trade a booth for two...

...for a table for two adults and a high chair.

i will gladly trade peace and quiet...

...for chaos and noise.

i will gladly trade cute clutches...

...for diaper bags.

i will gladly trade wearing white...

...for wearing black to cover boogers and food splatter.

i will gladly trade sleep...

...for midnight feedings.

i will gladly trade personal creative time...

...for time teaching my kids to create.

i will gladly trade my dog...

...for my kids.


  1. Hahahaha. Loved the ending! I can't wear black though - too much spit up and milk! Hopefully soon we'll get over that part...

  2. i liked the ending too...but i cried a little when i wrote it :)

    and i forgot about black showing milk and spit up...shoot!

  3. I love that you are real! I love that you share your heart!
    I love that you are strong! You are a great mom, to Zachary and to all the babies you will have! Pretty much, I love you!


  4. aww...pretty much, i love you too, olga! :)
