i will gladly trade sitting at a desk...
...for sitting on the floor.
i will gladly trade my paycheck....
....for wet, sloppy kisses.
i will gladly trade night school...
...for teaching my kids during the day.
i will gladly trade my social schedule...
...for one ruled by play dates.
i will gladly trade a booth for two...
...for a table for two adults and a high chair.
i will gladly trade peace and quiet...
...for chaos and noise.
i will gladly trade cute clutches...
...for diaper bags.
i will gladly trade wearing white...
...for wearing black to cover boogers and food splatter.
i will gladly trade sleep...
...for midnight feedings.
i will gladly trade personal creative time...
...for time teaching my kids to create.
i will gladly trade my dog...
...for my kids.