Keep In Touch

Friday, December 4, 2009

the importance of waiting...

do you know that if you were to live for 65 years, you would spend a little more than half of that time waiting?!
it's no wonder i feel like i've been waiting for most of my life! maybe i'm getting all my waiting checked off the list before i get to retirement years are gonna be awesome! i will get to the front of the line every time.....only green lights for me!....i will get what i want instantaneously!....
do you know that on average, we spend 8 hours of our lives just waiting at red lights??
we spend an average of 3 years just standing in line!!!!
how do you think life would change if we had instant gratification of every whimsical desire we had?? do you think we would be grateful as much for the fulfillment?? i doubt it...
there are so many things we wait for....
professional opportunities
prayers to be answered
soldiers to come home
babies to arrive
sickness to depart
bodies to be healed
homes to be sold
friday to come
good news to share
we basically have to wait for everything....and even though sometimes, it's really hard...doesn't the waiting make it more incredible?? once whatever you're waiting for happens, doesn't it make you so grateful because you desired it so much more?? while you're waiting, you can't imagine wanting anything more........and then, all of a sudden, you have it!!
is the wait worth it??!?!
i think so....i know so....
"when i think the best is yet to come, i smile"....and i wait for it.

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